-In progress-
Reserving this page for the Digimon Animation memorial book that is supposedly meant to come out on February 23rd (February 25th for online stores). I plan to fill this page up with translated info from the book that I think is new or interesting, with scanned images of only specific parts of the book if I think a scan is necessary. Obviously I won’t be scanning the entire book.
デジモン シリーズ メモリアルブック
Where to buy: HMV Japan, Amazon.JP, CDJapan
If you have any anticipated questions you’d like answered, etc, please leave a comment and I’ll respond back as soon as I have my copy.
Table of contents:
■ Digimon Adventure
– Children
– Digimon
– Evolution
– Stage
Main characters
– Yagami Taichi
=The active type who brims with courage=
A cheerful and positive 5th grade boy in Odaiba elementary school. He appears to move with reckless abandon, but he actually does take in his surroundings and he takes good care of his juniors in the soccer club. He can be a bit insensitive, but he acts as a reliable older brother figure to Koushiro and Takeru. If he doesn’t know/understand something, he acts while he tries to figure it out; ever since they come to File Island, this active characteristic of him is what makes him the one who pulls the rest of the children along. After he learns that the Digital World is made up of data, he begins to feel as if he is inside a video game and takes dangerous actions. But once realizing that, despite being data, he cannot start over like in reality if something were to happen to him, his desire to win over his fear and his mistakes leads him to learn what true courage is.
— Costume
— Key Item
—— Mini-telescope
—— Goggles
— Family
—— Taichi (8 years old)
Taichi three years ago. He took his sister Hikari outside when she had a cold, making it worse.
—— Hikari (5 years old)
Hikari three years ago. Even if she is in pain or trouble, she often does not say so.
– Agumon
=The cheerful and naughty Dinosaur Digimon=
Taichi’s partner. With three sharp claws on each hand, his attitude of rushing to attack extremely strong enemies without fear comes from his partner. His appetite as well can be pretty ferocious. There are many times when he and Taichi both share their opinions to each other frankly, but due to his cheerful and honest personality, there are very little times when they end up fighting. His sense of justice is strong, and he is a reliable partner who evolves right away to protect Taichi when the situation looks grim. After his dark evolution to SkullGreymon, he feels at unease about evolution just like Taichi does, preventing him from even evolving into Greymon. However, after his training under Piccolomon, he learns the guts to challenge himself over and over again without fear of failure.
Baby Flame = Agumon’s special technique. He breathes out a ball of fire from his mouth. If he holds back from full power, he can even use it to light a campfire.
– Botamon
– Koromon
– Greymon
—— Mega Flame
– MetalGreymon
—— Giga Destroyer
—— Trident Arm
– WarGreymon
– Digivice
– Ishida Yamato
=Passionate friendship hiding behind a cool face=
5th grader in Odaiba elementary school. He joins the children’s camp with his younger brother Takeru. With his cool personality, he does not make attempts to hang out with anyone other than Takeru, but he is more considerate than anyone by keeping an eye on everyone’s conditions of fatigue and nerves. There are many times when he is the one who prevents Taichi from trying to tackle everything from the front. He can be pretty overprotective of Takeru, and considers it his job to protect Takeru because “he can’t do anything by himself.” During their fight with the Dark Masters, seeing Takeru’s growth causes him to lose footing on his identity, but through his clash with Taichi and his connection with Gabumon, he takes another look at himself and learns the meaning of true friendship: that there are times when you compensate for the weakness of others and vice-versa.
— Costume
— Key Item
—— Harmonica
— Family
—— Ishida Hiroaki
Yamato and Takeru’s father. Director of Fuji TV’s news report division, he is the type to put his own self in danger in order to gather information. While devoted to his job, he also cares deeply for his family and even now carries a picture of his family from 4 years ago before they were broken up by the divorce.
Hiroaki’s subordinates – Sakurada (owns a radio cassette player. When he is feeling stressed out, he uses it to listen to the Heart Sutra), Chioka, and Yuki (the female reporter). The news report division staff. After being attacked by a school of Gizamon, they are taken hostage to Big Sight where they show the same active abilities as their boss by helping out big time with Taichi’s father plans of escape.
– Gabumon
=A shy Digimon who cares deeply for his friends=
—— Petit Fire
– Punimon
– Tsunomon
– Garurumon
—— Fox Fire
– WereGarurumon
– MetalGarurumon
—— Freeze Bomber
– Tags and Crests
– Takenouchi Sora
=The level-headed one who pulls things together=
5th grader in Odaiba elementary school. She is a member of the soccer club just like Taichi. While a strong-willed girl who is powerful enough to play 2-top with Taichi as the team’s striker, she is also a sensible, level-headed person who is thoughtful about the smallest details. She takes good care of the younger children in the group, like Mimi, Takeru, and Hikari, and she is loved by them as a kind older sister. On the other hand, she also has a delicate side to her and often keeps her troubles to herself. Her mother once stopped her from participating in a soccer match, and Sora misunderstood her actions by thinking that her mother only cared about her being the successor of the family’s iemoto tradition. However, while she was trying to stop an injured Piyomon from joining a fight, she realized how her mother must have felt when she had stopped Sora.
— Costume
— Key Item
—— Pouch
— Family
—— Takenouchi Yoshiko
Sora’s mother, whose is the iemoto in the art of flower arranging. Because she expresses herself somewhat strictly, there are times when she is misunderstood. However she loves Sora from the very bottom of her heart. When Vamdemon attacked, she disguised herself with Piyomon and blended in with a crowd of Bakemon in order to find Sora.
– Piyomon
=An overly-friendly Digimon who likes to be fawned=
—— Magical Fire
– Nyokimon
– Pyokomon
– Birdramon
– Garudamon
– Izumi Koushiro
=A brainiac who loves to immerse himself in research=
4th grader in Odaiba elementary school. To Taichi and Sora, he is also their junior in the soccer club. Although normally a polite boy, once his curiosity gets a hold of him he pursues it without being considerate of those around him. He is good at computers, even bringing his laptop to camp, which in the end became useful in revealing the truth of the Digimon world. He learned by accident that he is an adopted child and was troubled over his relationship with his parents, who were thinking of keeping this quiet from him until he became an adult. When Vamdemon isolated Odaiba, his parents told him the truth themselves for the first time, and he once more felt bonded to them as his real parents, as they had raised him as their own son.
— Key Item
—— Bag
—— Digimon Analyzer
— Family
—— Izumi Masami
Koushiro’s adopted father. He is a distant relative of Koushiro’s real father, who was a genius mathematician. He shows understanding for the many strange aspects of Koushiro’s personality compared to those of children his own age, and has a huge capacity of accepting his idiosyncrasies.
—— Izumi Yoshie
Koushiro’s adopted mother. With her mother’s intuition, she had a feeling that perhaps Koushiro knew that he was adopted. She gives Koushiro the same love that she would of her own son, but wishes that he would act more like how a child should and show a bit more selfishness.
– Tentomon
=The famous (?) commentator of the Digital World=
—— Petit Thunder
– Babumon
– Motimon
– Kabuterimon
– AtlurKabuterimon
– Tachikawa Mimi
=A pure-hearted girl with a free spirit=
4th grader in Odaiba Elementary. She moves at her own pace and has a bit of a selfish side to her, but because of her honest and cheerful personality, she cannot be hated for this. For some reason, she is particularly well-liked by dirty types of Digimon, like Numemon and Sukamon. She is kind at heart, and after the Dark Masters appear she could no longer stand that a large number of Digimon were giving up their own lives to protect them and so decides to leave the group temporarily. However, upon accepting the death of Leomon, who had died protecting her from MetalEtemon, she decides to fight the Dark Masters so that he can once again be born in the Village of Beginnings. Starting with Ogremon, she leads a crowd of Digimon towards the top of Spiral Mountain.
— Costume
— Key Item
— Family
—— Tachikawa Keisuke
Mimi’s father. He has a quiet personality but when the situation calls for it, he does what needs to be done. He once crashed an electric cart into DarkTyranomon. He is so lovey-dovey with his wife Satoe that even Mimi can’t help but roll her eyes. His wife’s homemade cooking is a feast to his senses.
—— Tachikawa Satoe. Mimi’s mother. The food she makes is quite original in that she would make kimchi fried rice topped with whipped cream and strawberries. When it was time to escape from Big Sight, she complained not to make her husband have to do anything dangerous.
– Palmon
=A cute girl Digimon who loves fashion=
=Child/ Data/ Plant type=
Mimi’s Digimon. A plant-type Digimon, she can unleash many different kinds of smells from the flower on top of her head. She can also suck up nourishment from the ground and perform photosynthesis. Although a bit timid at certain times, she is mainly a kind, gentle Digimon who loves cute and fashionable things just like Mimi. Her feelings are easily in sympathy with Mimi’s, so whenever Mimi cries, she also cries, and whenever Mimi laughs, she also laughs. When Mimi was saddened by the sacrifices the Digimon made for them and left the group, she was prevented from fighting, but upon seeing Leomon fight hard to protect them, she begs Mimi to let her fight, too.
—— Poison Ivy
Palmon’s special attack is extending her nails filled with poison towards the enemy. They can also be used as a rope. [Has art showing normal Palmon and in her princess costume]
– Yuramon
=Baby/ NA / Seed type=
A baby whose body is covered with long fur that it looks like a fluff ball. It travels through the air in an airy fashion.
– Tanemon
=Baby/ NA / Bulb type=
With two leaves coming out of her head, she can now perform photosynthesis. It is in this form that she meets Mimi on File Island for the first time.
– Togemon
=Adult/ Data / Plant type=
The evolved form of Palmon after being inspired by the Numemon’s desperate struggle against Monzaemon. Her personality as the fashion-loving Palmon hasn’t changed in the slightest, but now she displays a powerful boxing style. Her attack is unleashing the thorns on her body at the enemy, “Chiku Chiku Bang Bang.”
– Lilimon
=Perfect / Data / Fairy type=
The Perfect Level that is born out of the flower on top of Togemon’s head. When Vamdemon’s army attacks and drags Mimi’s family and the people of Odaiba into it, Mimi’s tears of being unable to forgive that lead the way towards her super-evolution. She has a form similar to that of a human girl, and the four wings on her back allow her to fly the skies freely. The “Flower Necklace” she can make appear from air can make bad viruses in a rampaging Digimon disappear.
– Kido Jyou
=Goes his own path in all seriousness=
6th grader in Odaiba elementary school. Since he planned on taking the entrance exam for a private middle school, he originally didn’t want to go to camp. A serious boy with a strong sense of responsibility, he worked hard as the oldest in the group to bring everyone back to their world safely, but because of his faintheartedness and lack of self-confidence he isn’t all that reliable. Because he is too honest, he often makes unnecessary remarks that discourage everyone. He aims to be a doctor because his dad tells him to, but his brother worries that it may not be the right career choice for Jyou since he faints at the sight of blood. But while caring for the injured Ogremon on Spiral Mountain, he awakens to the simple feeling that he wishes to help those in need before him.
— Key Item
—— Emergency bag
—— Sports bag
— Family
—— Kido Shin
Jyou’s oldest brother and a medical student. When the Bakemon attacked their family, he was sleeping in the closet and so avoided the danger. He well understands Jyou and worries about him, for Jyou chooses to live a future that their father wants him to. Shin is thinking of working on an isolated island that has no doctor in the future.
– Column (Camp and a small profile on Mimi’s classmates)
– Gomamon
=A laid-back Digimon who rides the waves=
—— Marching Fishes
– Pichimon
– Pukamon
– Ikkakumon
—— Harpoon Vulcan
– Zudomon
– Takaishi Takeru
=A strong heart with an innocent smile=
2nd grader in Kawada elementary school. He is Yamato’s younger brother, but because of their parents’ divorce, he currently lives only with their mother. Because he is the youngest among the Chosen Children, he is treated with great care among the group and he himself has a very friendly and innocent personality. He can be somewhat of a crybaby, but he has shown times when he volunteered himself to stay up as guard for the night or acted as a diligent worker who wouldn’t allow others to favor him with kindness. Due to memories of his parents’ divorce, he hates seeing two people he loves fight each other. Although small, his sense of justice is very strong and there are some cases when this quality appears almost to the point of stubbornness. When Hikari, who is the same age as him, joins their group, he grows even tougher and gains a strong heart that refuses to give up under any circumstances.
— Key item
—— Bookbag
— Family
—— Takaishi Natsuko
Yamato and Takeru’s mother. After divorcing with her husband, she now lives nearby Sangenjaya. Although she has a kind heart, she does not hold much belief in the unrealistic. When she saw the unusual events happening in Odaiba on the news, she joins Takeru to go to Yamato and her former husband.
– Column (Digieggs)
– Patamon
=The last trump card who carries holy power within=
—— Air Shot
– Poyomon
– Tokomon
– Angemon
– HolyAngemon
– Yagami Hikari
=The 8th child bound by fate=
Taichi’s younger sister and a 2nd grader in Odaiba elementary school. Because she caught a summer cold, she is unable to go to camp and rests at home. When Taichi is blown back towards Tokyo along with Koromon after their fight with Etemon, she acts as if she had once met Koromon, confusing the two. The truth turns out to be that 4 years ago when Digimon appeared in the real world, she and Taichi encounter Koromon for the first time, but Hikari is the only one who remembers it clearly. She becomes known as the eighth Chosen Children before long, partnering with Tailmon, and joining the rest of the children to their adventures back in the Digital World. Because she had recently gotten over an illness, she gives off the impression that she is very sickly throughout the series, but she is actually a cheerful and bright girl. That strength of hers is shown when she would not give in to fear even in front of Vamdemon.
— Key Item
—— Whistle
If Taichi’s trademark is his goggles, then Hikari’s is her whistle. It worked as a sonar when they were underwater with Whamon.
— Costume
— Meeko
The Yagami family’s cat. It ran around Odaiba trying to recover the Digivice it dropped. It is actually stronger than Koromon.
— Family
—— Yagami Susumu
Taichi and Hikari’s father. He loves his family above anything else. When the people of Odaiba were held prisoner by Vamdemon at Big Sight, he gathered up a few and planned out a means of escape. He showed himself to be reliable when it counts.
—— Yagami Yuuko
Taichi and Hikari’s mother. With her candid personality, she goes about doing the housework energetically for her family. When Greymon appeared to stop the Bakemon’s attacks, she was under the impression that it had attacked her children and was deeply worried.
– Tailmon
=A strong holy Digimon of aloof disposition=
– Nyaromon
– Plotmon
– Angewomon
Story guide
– File Island Arc (ep 1-13)
—— Kuwagamon
—— Shellmon
—— Seadramon
—— Monochromon
—— Andromon
—— Meramon
—— Unimon
—— Monzaemon
—— Numemon
—— Black Gears
—— Trolley
—— Devimon
—— Devimon’s Mansion
—— Bathrobes
—— Ogremon
—— Leomon
—— Yukidarumon
—— Mojyamon
—— Centarumon
—— Bakemon
—— Elecmon
—— Chuumon
—— Sukamon
– Etemon Arc (ep 14-20)
—— Gennai
—— Whamon
—— Drimogemon
—— Pagumon
—— Gazimon
—— Etemon
—— Etemon Car
– Vamdemon Arc (ep 21-28)
—— Enemy Greymon
—— SkullGreymon
—— Cockatrimon
—— Piccolomon
—— Tyrannomon
—— Nanomon
—— Etemon (Power up)
—— PicoDevimon
—— Vadermon
—— Betamon
—— Veggiemon
—— Otamamon
—— Geckomon
—— TonosamaGeckomon
—— Nanimon
—— Devidramon
—— Dokugumon
—— Flymon
—— Kodokugumon
—— Digimon cards
– Tokyo Arc (ep 29-39)
—— Mammon
—— Gesomon
—— Parrotmon
—— Raremon
—— DeathMeramon
—— Gotsumon
—— Pumpmon
—— Wizarmon
—— Gizamon
—— DarkTyrannomon
—— Tuskmon
—— MegaSeadramon
—— Phantomon
—— Snimon
—— Vamdemon
—— VenomVamdemon
– Spiral Mountain Arc (ep 40-47)
— Deep Savers
—— Anomalocarimon
—— Hangyomon
—— MetalSeadramon
— Wind Guardians
—— Kiwimon
—— Deramon
—— Mushmon
—— Floramon
—— Blossomon
—— Garbagemon
—— Jureimon
—— Woodmon
—— RedVeggimon
—— Pinocchimon
—— Pinocchimon’s dolls
—— MetalEtemon
—— Young Gennai
—— Guardromon
—— SaberLeomon
– Spiral Mountain Arc pt 2 (ep 48-54)
— Metal Empire
—— Mechanorimon
—— Megadramon
—— Gigadramon
—— Tankmon
—— Hagurumon
—— WaruMonzaemon
—— Mugendramon
— Nightmare Soldiers
—— LadyDevimon
—— Evilmon
—— Piemon
—— Piemon’s dolls
—— Apocalymon
Digimon Movie 01 – “Digimon Adventure”
– Yagami Taichi
1st grader in elementary school, who lives in Hikarigaoka and cares for his younger sister. He watches over her well and is reliable in that he takes care of the housework while his parents are out. When Koromon suddenly appears, he is bewildered over what to do. Goggles hang around his neck.
– Yagami Hikari
Taichi’s younger sister at age 3. The whistle she likes hangs around her neck. She easily accepts the egg that comes out of the computer, as well as Koromon, showing a strong attachment.
– Botamon
– Koromon
– Agumon
– Greymon
– Parrotmon
Digimon Movie 02 – “Digimon Adventure bokura no war game”
– Yagami Taichi
Even though it’s spring break, he fights with Sora over something trivial so coops himself up inside his home. He uses his dad’s computer to send an apology e-mail but… Because the phone lines are jammed due to a new type of Digimon, he uses the emergency message center to make correspondence with his friends.
– Izumi Koushiro
He uses the home PC in the Yagami’s house to pursue the new-type Digimon in the network. He also exchanges info with his internet friends throughout the world. When ADSL is down, he uses a satellite phone instead. Due to nerves, he drinks too much Oolong tea and has to leave for the bathroom at an important moment.
– Ishida Yamato
– Takaishi Takeru
– Grandma
Takeru and Yamato’s grandmother. In the movie, she is called “Kinu-san.”
– Yagami Hikari
– Takenouchi Sora
– Kido Jyou
– Tachikawa Mimi
– New-type Digimon
—— Kuramon
—— Tsumemon
—— Unnamed (Chrysalimon)
—— Keramon
—— Infermon
—— Diaboromon
—— Omegamon
Column – “Digimon Monster’s History”
■ Digimon Adventure 02
– Children
– Digital World
– Evolution
– Stage
Main characters
– Motomiya Daisuke
=The fierce boy who inherits “Courage” and “Friendship”!!=
5th grader in Odaiba elementary schoo. 11 years old. He is a “Chosen Child” with the blue D-3. His Digimentals are “Courage,” “Friendship,” and at one point, “Miracles.” His Jogress partner is Ichijouji Ken. Rather than think first, he is the reckless, hot-blooded type who acts with all of his power. He has a strong heart that refuses to ever give up, and he is very loyal to his friends. Daisuke was the first to accept Ken, who was once their enemy, into their group. In the movie, he also shows kindness when he sheds tears for Wallace whom he had only met recently. At school, he is in the same A-class with Takeru and Hikari. Due to his attraction for Hikari, he views Takeru as a tough rival. A soccer boy, he has a senpai-kouhai relationship with Taichi in the soccer club. His dream is to become the world’s best ramen shop owner.
— Goggles
— Everyday wear
— Summer clothes
— Winter clothes
— Pajamas
— School backpack
— 7 years old
Daisuke 3 years ago. In August 1999, he and his family were captured by Vamdemon and taken to Big Sight. That was the first time Daisuke encountered the Digimon.
– Family
— Motomiya Jun
Daisuke’s older sister, who is to become an 11th grader. Apart by 6 years in age, she often fights with her brother and apparently spreads bad rumors about him wherever she goes. She can act somewhat like a fangirl, and her hobby is chasing after Yamato’s band.
— Father (unnamed)
Daisuke and Jun’s father. His job is in publishing and he is an acquaintance of Takeru’s mother, who is an investigative reporter. When Vamdemon came three years ago, it is revealed that the Motomiyas were still living in Odaiba at the time.
— Mother (unnamed)
Daisuke and Jun’s mother. When Ken visited their house, both she and her husband were in high spirits as if a celebrity had come. Apparently Jun’s fangirl personality came from her.
– V-mon
=A super energetic small dragon with a head like a rock!!=
– Chikomon
– Chibimon
– Fladramon (Blazing courage!!)
—— Digimental
– Lighdramon (Thundering friendship!!)
—— Digimental
– XV-mon
=Normal evolution finally accomplished!!=
– Inoue Miyako
=The moodmaker who inherits “Love” and “Purity”!=
An energetic girl whose catchphrase is “Bingo!!” A 6th grader, making her the oldest among the new kids. 12 years old. Her D-3 color is red. Her Digimentals are “Love” and “Purity.” She is a bright girl who gets easily elated and likes to act the way she feels like. Koushiro’s junior, and current captain of Odaiba elementary school’s computer club. She is pretty good at computers and mechanics. It is also Miyako’s duty to make the call “Digital Gate Open! Chosen Children, let’s go!!” She is Iori and Takeru’s neighbor, living in the same condo as them. Because she moved to Odaiba in 5th grade, the Digimon fight in the Internet that occurred in spring 2000 is her first encounter with the Digimon.
– Everyday wear
– Summer clothes
– Winter clothes
– Pajamas
– Family
— Father (unnamed)
The Inoue family’s central pillar who manages the convenience store “I-Mart”. The store is located on the first floor of their apartment building. Also, the name of the store comes from the first letter of the last name. Their sign at the door says “The store of love and purity, I-Mart.”
— Mother (unnamed)
Miyako’s mother, who often can be found standing at the register of I-Mart. She is older than her husband by 3 years. Miyako supplies the children and Digimon with food from the store.
— Siblings: The oldest, Mantarou. Freshman in university. He helps out at the store. When Miyako came to him for advice on Ken, he told her “Whatever you do, just don’t regret it later.”
The second oldest, Momoe. A classmate of Jun, she often accompanies her to Yamato’s concerts. She is a member of the theatre club.
The third oldest, Chizuru. An 8th grader in Odaiba junior high, and the same class as Yamato. She is often asked by Jun to find out Yamato’s whereabouts.
– Hawkmon
=A reliable knight who surrenders to Miyako!=
– Pururumon
– Poromon
=The fluffy partner=
– Halsemon (Wings of love!)
—— Digimental
– Shurimon (Bursting purity!)
—— Digimental
– Aquilamon
=A giant bird Digimon who soars the skies!!=
– Hida Iori
=The youngest member who inherits “Knowledge” and “Sincerity”!=
3rd grader in Odaiba elementary school. 9 years old. His D-3 color is yellow. His Digimentals are “Knowledge” and “Sincerity.” His Jogress partner is Takaishi Takeru. The youngest among the year 2003 members, he is quite mature for his age. He acts courteously and politely in a way that’s hard to believe coming from a 9 year old. His father who was a policeman died 3 years ago, so his grandfather Chikara raised him in his father’s place. While always self-composed and hard on himself, he is clumsy at expressing himself as a child. He also does not like lies. Because of his diligence and strong sense of responsibility, he is not all that flexible and was unable to forgive Ken for being the Digimon Kaiser for some time. Before long, he learns about the relationship between his father and Oikawa, the man who threatens the Digital World.
– Everyday wear
– Summer clothes
– Winter clothes
– Kendo uniform
– 5 years old
Iori on August 1999, when he was coming back from London with his father’s remains. He was riding the airplane that lost function after it was touched by Kuwagamon that appeared from the Digital World in the skies. The plane was saved from crashing by Garudamon.
– Family
— Tomiko
Iori’s mother, who is both prone to worry and a good cook. Her specialty dishes are ohagi and kanpyou-maki. After losing her husband, she is now raising Iori with help from Chikara.
— Hida Chikara
Iori’s grandfather. He has a strict personality and is raising Iori with discipline in the place of his late son, Hiroki. However, unfitting of his age, he is good at being humorous and he likes cliched gags. His favorite food is the CHUx2 jelly. Long ago, back when Hiroki believed in the Digital World’s existence, he forbid Hiroki from being friends with Oikawa and felt secretly accountable for that afterwards. In episode 47, when the series draws to its close, Chikara explains everything when Iori reveals Armadimon to him.
— Picture of father
Iori’s father, Hida Hiroki was a first-rate policeman. However, 3 years ago, while undertaking the protection of an important person in London, he is killed in the line of duty. Even now, Iori looks up to him the most.
– Armadimon
=A chatty Digimon who speaks Nagoya dialect?!=
– Tsubumon
– Upamon
– Digmon (Steel knowledge!)
—— Digimental
– Submarimon (Swirling sincerity!)
—— Digimental
– Ankylomon
=A heavy-class Digimon with steel plated armor!!=
– Takaishi Takeru
=The mature form of ‘the smallest child’=
The boy who moves in Spring 2002 from Sangenjaya to an apartment in Odaiba (the same one as Inoue and Hida families). The form of Takeru three years later, since his adventures as a Chosen Child in 1999. His elementary school is the same as Daisuke and the others, Odaiba elementary school, Class 5-A. His Digivice changes into the green D-3 from the power of his Digimental of Hope. Perhaps due to his experiences in the adventure at a young age, he is very calm and composed than others his own age; but when he came near to losing Patamon, he showed excessive fear. Normally he is a quiet and kind-hearted boy, but his hatred for the “darkness” that had once taken Angemon’s life is stronger than anyone else’s.
– Everyday wear
– Summer clothes
– Winter clothes
– Family
— Takeru’s mother, Natsuko
Yamato and Takeru’s mother, a non-fiction writer. After the incident three years ago, her relationship with her ex-husband appears to have improved a bit.
– Pegasmon (Hope that gallops the heavens!)
—— Digimental
– The new Digivice
—— D-3
—— D-Terminal
– Yagami Hikari
=Taichi’s younger sister who has grown up healthily=
Taichi’s sister, who had once joined the adventure as the 8th Chosen Child. 11 years old. Without a trace of the easily-sick impression that she had three years ago, she has grown up into a vigorous and healthy young girl. Her D-3 is pink. Her Digimental is the same as her Crest, “Light”. As ruler of the “light” that points towards “evolution” in the Digital World, she is a special existence among the children. In elementary school, she is in the same Class 5-A as Daisuke and Takeru. She smoothly avoids the feelings of affection that Daisuke directs at her, showing an aspect of her befitting a girl of her age. However, her emotional dependence on her brother Taichi is still as strong as ever.
– Everyday wear
– Digicam
– Gym clothes
– Summer clothes
– Winter clothes
– Nefertimon (Smiling light!)
—— Digimental
– Digimon Kaiser
=The Digital World’s new ruler=
A tyrant who suddenly appears in the Digital World. Confident and prideful, his way of thinking is evil and cruel. He looks down at everyone around him, viewing both humans and Digimon as “insects!” For the Kaiser, who thinks Digimon are only data, taking over the Digital World is only a game. At the time, he did not show himself at night, but after episode 9 when his identity is revealed, he leaves the real world to reside in the Digital World. Through repeated experiments on multiple Digimon, he develops the Evil Spiral that allows him to evolve Digimon to Perfect Level without the use of a Crest and control them. Before long, his twisted talents create the fused monster Chimeramon using the fearsome Devimon’s data as its base.
– Ichijouji Ken
=The genius boy who awakens to “kindness”=
A genius boy who is featured even on TV. Everyone likes him and he is known throughout the world as good-natured, moral person who cannot be faulted for anything. Although a 5th grader and 11 years old, he shows his genius in many forms of mental and physical fields such as computer programming, speaking Spanish, soccer, archery, and chess.
However, he was in truth the Digimon Kaiser, cruel tyrant of the Digital World. His D-3 color is black. While there is a time he is troubled over the weight of his sins and acts apart from the children, his friendship with Daisuke grows. As the Chosen Child of “Kindness,” he fights for the Digital World and the Digimon.
– Shirt
– Pajamas
– Soccer uniform
– Winter clothes
– Family
— Parents (unnamed)
Ken’s parents. They put all of their attention on Ken’s genius older brother Osamu, neglecting to show as much care to the young Ken. When Ken lost his heart as the Digimon Kaiser and fell into a deep sleep, his parents realize for the first time that their way of raising their children had distorted their sons’ hearts. His father works at a computer company. His mother’s specialty dish is hamburgers. The family lives in room 303 in the “Tamachi T.M. Mansion” condo in Tamachi.
— Ichijouji brothers
Ken once had an older brother Osamu, who was three years older than him. While Osamu was Ken’s role model, Osamu was also so superior in everything that he was also an object of envy. His genius older brother monopolized their parents love and the admiration of everyone around them. Ken himself had nothing. While he came to think of himself in this way, a Digivice appeared before the two one day. Ken takes the Digivice in hand and catches a glimpse of the Digital World. Ken was a Chosen Child. But jealous of this, Osamu takes the Digivice from him. Ken wishes for his brother to disappear. Two years from now, as if granting that wish, Osamu is killed in a car accident. His brother died just as he wished. At his funeral, Oikawa learns of Ken and skillfully manipulates Ken’s heart, inviting him to the sea of darkness.
– Wormmon
=The gentle and loyal “insect”?!=
– Leafmon
– Stingmon
=A hero who works hard for Ken-chan!!=
– Minomon
– Akiyama Ryou
=The veteran Tamer!=
A veteran Tamer who journeyed the Digital World with 9-year-old Ken in August 2000. While originally a main character only for the game, his popularity lent to a crossover in the anime. According to producer Seki Hiromi, he is the same person as the Ryou who appears in the next series “Digimon Tamers.”
– Paildramon
=Jogress evolution=
– Imperialdramon (Dragon Mode)
=The ultimate dramon connects the world!!=
– Imperialdramon (Fighter Mode)
=Mode change! Fighter Mode!!=
– Silphymon
=Jogress evolution=
– Shakkoumon
=Jogress evolution=
– Chosen Children from 1999
— Yagami Taichi
Advanced into Odaiba middle school from elementary. 14 years old, 8th grader. He’s the ace of the school soccer club. Through his adventures in 1999 and growth from three years, he now has a grasp of making level-headed decisions. His ability as leader of the children has also been refined. He gives the goggles he cherished along with “courage” to Daisuke. Now that he’s in middle school, he has his own room.
—— Summer clothes
—— Winter clothes
—— Taichi’s parents
Yagami Susumu and Yuuko. They’ve become completely used to the Digimon.
— Ishida Yamato
8th grader in Odaiba middle school. 14 years old. He’s grown out his hair and is active in a band. The “TEEN-AGE WOLVES” group that he formed with his friends is popular enough to be broadcast on TV as a Christmas event. Starting with Daisuke’s older sister, Jun, he is supported by many fans. He is secretly happy about his younger brother Takeru living closer. On August 1st that comes once a year, he invited Takeru to the Ishida residence and treated him to a special dinner.
—— Summer clothes
—— Winter clothes
—— Yamato’s father
Fuji TV’s capable director. Even this time, he understands the situation on the Digimon and the children, and helps when they need it.
— Takenouchi Sora
8th grader in Odaiba middle school. 14 years old. After going into middle school, she joined the tennis club. Her experiences in the adventure have taught her to have a wider world view, and she has begun to challenge herself to become more feminine. Her relationship with her mother has gotten very good, and now she is learning flower-arranging and tennis from her. Some time immediately after that, she begins to have feelings for Yamato and the two of them start going out around Christmas. In Russia, she and Miyako make a lot of effort together in order to protect borscht.
—— Summer clothes
—— Winter clothes
—— Takenouchi Haruhiko
Sora’s father, a professor who teaches folkloristics at Tokyo University. His research takes him all over the world, and currently he is staying in Kyoto. Feeling that the spirits in Japanese folklore such as the kitsune and tanuki are similar to Digimon, not only is he grateful to the Digimon for aiding in his daughter’s growth, but he also appears to have an interest in the Digimon themselves. After meeting Miyako by coincidence while she is on a school trip, he told her about the four holy beasts that protected Kyoto from every direction. He also shows himself to be a somewhat comical person when he responds with an enthusiastic “Bingo!”
—— Takenouchi parents
Haruhiko is almost never at home due to his immersion in his research, while the mother is busy upholding the iemoto tradition. As a result, they are deeply grateful to the Digimon for keeping their family together.
— Izumi Koushiro
7th grader in Odaiba middle school. 13 years old. In both elementary and middle school, he is a member of the computer club. Since a computer is the basic necessity to open the Digital Gate, Daisuke and the others often rely on him. His inquisitive nature is the same as always, and his interest in the Digital World is deeper than anyone else’s. After Ken joins their group, he would often ask questions and listen to Ken’s stories. By doing such activities as developing a program that would detect the Digital Gate and taking the role of staff officer in strategical meetings, he acts as the brains of the group for the children.
—— Summer clothes
—— Winter clothes
—— Koushiro’s parents
Koushiro’s adopted parents, whose bond with him is deeper than if they were his real parents. They also get along well with Tentomon.
— Tachikawa Mimi
7th grade. 13 years old. Because of her father’s work, the three-person family move to New York. She returns once to Japan to go to her (male) cousin’s wedding, but every time she makes an appearance, one can see that both her hair style and fashion sense make big changes. Her laid-back and free-spirited personality is the same as when she was younger, but her selfish actions have decreased. In New York, she is friends with Michael and other children who have Digimon partners.
—— Winter clothes
—— Mimi’s parents
Mimi’s eccentric parents are still as lovey-dovey as ever. What job her father, Keisuke, has in New York is a mystery.
[Includes a fashion show page of Mimi’s different hair styles and clothes]
— Kido Jyou
9th grader. 15 years old. As he is aiming to become a doctor, he alone in the group went to a private middle school. He appears to go to juku every day, and spends most of his time studying. Nevertheless, because he is one of the Chosen Children, he automatically goes running to help Gomamon and his friends when they are in trouble. His personality is even more serious and diligent than before, and he now gives off a more mature aura.
—— Summer clothes
—— Winter clothes
—— Kido Shin
The Kido family’s oldest brother. He is currently a medical intern.
—— Kido Shuu
The second oldest Kido brother who becomes interested in Professor Takenouchi’s lecture and transfers from a premed major into humanities. Three years ago, he was at a training camp for club and so was not in Odaiba.
Story guide
– The Digimon Kaiser’s ambition (ep 1-21)
—— Deltamon
—— Gokimon
—— Ebidramon
—— Airdramon
—— MetalGreymon
—— Revolmon
—— Starmon
—— Igamon
—— Gorimon
—— Dark Towers
—— Evil Rings
—— Chimeramon
—— Human guests
— Mr. Hamazaki
— Iori’s teacher
—— The day Wizarmon died
—— Dark Ocean
– The new power Jogress Evolution (ep 22-37)
—— Attack of the spider woman!! Archnemon
—— Destroyer who lives for love?! Mummymon
—— Tortamon
—— Thunderballmon
—— Golemon
—— YukiBotamon
—— Ookuwamon
—— Kunemon
—— Minotaurmon
—— Knightmon
—— Musyamon
—— Rukamon
—— Hanumon
—— Bagumon
—— BlackWarGreymon
—— Qinlongmon
– Imperialdramon traveling the world!! (ep38-42)
— Japan
—— Teenage Wolves
—— Triceramon
—— Gennai
— New York
—— Michael
—— FlarLizamon
—— Sam
—— Maria
—— Steve
—— Tatem
—— Lou
— Hong Kong
—— 3 Poi brothers.
—— Octamon
—— Shakomon
—— Meena
—— Yue-hong
—— Dien
— Australia
—— Yuukari
—— Dingo
—— Ganimon
—— Coelamon
— France
—— Catherine
—— Michel
—— The three Mamemon brothers (Mamemon, MetalMamemon, BigMamemon)
— Mexico
—— Chicos
— Russia
—— Anna
—— Laura
—— Yuri
– Oikawa Yukio
=The man fascinated by the Digital World=
— 3 years ago
— Around age 25
— In 7th grade
– The kidnapped children
—— Yoshizawa Taka
—— Kawada Noriko
—— Shibata Hiro
—— Keiko
– Our Digital World (ep 43-50)
—— Milleniumon
—— Demon
—— MarineDevimon
—— SkullSatamon
—— The most-powerful, most-evil real enemy, BelialVamdemon
—— Pipimon
Digimon Movie 03 – “Digimon Adventure 02 zenpen – digimon hurricane jouriku!! kouhen – chouzetsu shinka!! ougon on digimental”
– Motomiya Daisuke
— 4 years old
– Wallace
— 4 years old
– Takaishi Takeru
— 4 years old
– Yagami Hikari
— 4 years old
– Inoue Miyako
— 4 years old
– Hida Iori
– 3 years old
– Chosen Children of year 1999
– Gumimon
— [Baby form]
— [Child form]
— [Adult form]
— [Armor form]
—— Digimental
– Chocomon
— [Adult form]
— [Baby form]
— [No appearance] (Child form)
— [Perfect Level]
— [Ultimate Level]
—— Vaccine type
– Magnamon
—— Digimental
Digimon Movie 04 – “Digimon Adventure 02 diablomon no gyakushuu”
– Motomiya Daisuke
Daisuke about to enter the new school year as a 6th grader. He is in charge of collecting the Kuramon scattered throughout town with Ken. He borrows his sister’s cell phone to stay in touch with Koushiro. In Shibuya, he catches sight of Omegamon and Diaboromon’s battle. He tries to join in but… In the final battle, his never-give-up heart brings forth a miracle.
– Ichijouji Ken
– Inoue Miyako
– Hida Iori
– Takaishi Takeru
– Yagami Hikari
– Chosen Children of year 1999
– Armagemon
– Database
– Column – “25 years later”
[Has two screenshots of each Chosen, one with their children, the other of their job. Underneath each screenshot is a short description]
The world of 25 years later, in the last episode of “Digimon Adventure 02” (year 2027). Taichi and the others live in a world where all of mankind has Digimon partners.
Takeru – He publicizes their adventures as children into a novel series.
Yamato – Became an astronaut to investigate “enemies” in outer space.
Koushiro – Acts as the leading figure in Digital World research.
Mimi – Appears on TV alongside Palmon as a culinary specialist.
Ken – Became a detective and pursues criminals with Stingmon!
Iori – Became a defense attorney to save the hearts of criminals like Oikawa.
Taichi – A diplomat connecting the real world and the Digital World.
Sora – Fashion designer coordinating with the Japanese style.
Jyou – Acquiring his degree in medicine without trouble, he becomes the first doctor of the Digital World.
Daisuke – His ramen food cart is a big success that it expands into a chain and he becomes a business tycoon.
Hikari – Her dream to be a kindergarten teacher is granted.
Miyako – Married to Ken. She is currently fighting hard as a mother of three children.
■ Digimon Tamers
– Children
– Digimon
– Evolution
– Stage
Main characters
– Matsuda Takato
=A kind-hearted main character who becomes the Tamer he always wanted to be=
— Goggles
— Pajamas
— Gym clothes
— Winter clothes
— Backpack
— Protection charm
— Takato’s Family
—— Matsuda Takehiro
—— Matsuka Mie
– Guilmon
=An energetic child Digimon who comes from a dream=
—— Backpack
– Growmon
– MegaloGrowmon
– Jarimon
– Gigimon
– Dukemon
– Zero Arms Grani
– Dukemon Crimson Mode
– Digivice
— Ultimate version
— Blue card
— Digimon cards
– Lee Jianliang
=The senior Tamer with a mature personality=
— Sunglasses
— Backpack
— Pajamas
— Martial arts uniform
— Winter clothes
— Bag
— Jian’s family
—— Lee Jiang-yu
—— Lee Mayumi
—— Lee Rin-chei
—— Lee Jaarin
– Terriermon
=A comforting Digimon who appears cute but is strong=
– Galgomon
– Rapidmon
– Jellymon
– Gummymon
– SaintGalgomon
– Makino Ruki
=The Digimon Queen who is invincible in battle=
— Sunglasses
— Card case
— MP3 player
— School uniform
— Pajamas
— Fall clothes
— Backpack
— Winter clothes
— Binoculars
— Ruki’s family
—— Makino Rumiko
—— Hata Seiko
– Renamon
=A mysterious Digimon who is not only beautiful but strong=
– Kyuubimon
– Taomon
– Reremon
– Pokomon
– Sakuyamon
– Katou Juri
=An airhead girl who admires Tamers=
— Gym clothes
— Bag
— Juri’s family
—— Katou Hajime
—— Katou Shizue
—— Katou Masahiko
– Shioda Hirokazu
=A card friend bonded through fierce friendship=
— Guardromon
— Andromon
— Kapurimon
— Hirokazu’s family
—— Shioda Hirofumi
—— Shioda Takako
– Kitagawa Kenta
=A card friend who is a bit laid-back=
— Camera
— MarineAngemon
— Kenta’s family
—— Kitagawa Shunsuke
—— Kitagawa Akemi
– Lee Shaochung
=Jian’s innocent and energetic younger sister=
– Lopmon
=A former Deva who chooses to live together with humans=
– Antiramon
– Cocomon
– Chocomon
– Akiyama Ryou
=The Digimon King who is number 1 when it comes to suave=
The legendary Tamer who won the championships in last year’s Digimon Tournament. His whereabouts are unknown immediately after this tournament, but he shows up meeting Ruki and the others in the Digital World. With his partner Cyberdramon, he has been traveling the Digital World for 10 months. Due to his tanned skin, sparkling white teeth, and pleasant smile, Ruki sarcastically describes him to be releasing “the perfect sparkling aura,” and his actions show beyond the shadow of a doubt to be filled with nothing but friendship and good intentions. His abilities are quite high, and he is able to use the Device card that only the truly strong Tamer is said to be able to master. After he returns to the Real World with Takato and the others, he goes back to his home in Kyushu temporarily, until the appearance of the D-Reaper in Tokyo prompts him to come running back.
— Electric whip
— Winter clothes
— Ryou’s family
Ryo’s father, who came from Kyushu to pick him up. He warmly greets Ryo back after his long absence from home. When Ryo is with his father, he speaks in Hakata dialect [the local dialect for Kyushu].
– Cyberdramon
=A violent Digimon who seeks to fight strong opponents=
– Monodramon
– Hopmon
– Justimon
—— Accel Arm
—— Critical Arm
– Impmon
=A kind little devil who isn’t honest with himself=
— Impmon’s laser gun
– Beelzebumon
— Shotgun
– Beelzebumon Blast Mode
— Blaster
— Ai and Makoto
— Behemoth
– Keymon
– Yaamon
– Culumon
=A strange Digimon who carries the light of evolution=
– Digi-Gnome
=Ghosts of the Digital World who can grant wishes=
– Yamaki Mitsuo
=Chief of the Information Administration who protects the real world=
— Lighter
– Ohtori Reika
— Everyday wear
— Swimsuit
– Onodera Megumi
— Chair
– Asanuma Nami
– Kurosawa Seiji
– Mori Soumei
– Iwamoto Tetsuya
– Classmates
– The Wild Bunch
—— Dolphin
His real name is Rob McCoy. A professor at Pal Alto University, his specialty is in computers. Back in the day they were researching Digimon, he was the center of the group as a young assistant professor.
—— Babel
A man with a bright personality who doesn’t forget to show his laid-back nature even under the toughest of situations. He hypothesized that the insides of the D-Reaper were a type of quantum computer, and underwent plans to make it degenerate.
—— Daisy
In charge of planning the Ark that helped to escape from the Digital World, as well as Grani after that. She wondered if it was the right thing not to tell the children about them having to separate from their Digimon as a result of their fight.
—— Curly
Real name is Aishwarya Lai [first name last name order]. She works as an assistant professor at Pal Alto University. She analyzes Hypnos’s log files and searches for the root of the D-Reaper’s actions.
His real name is Mizuno Gorou. Within the group, his way of thinking is unique, and he carries disbelief in the discrimination between biological and artificial life forms. In the Digital World’s water space, Takato and co meet his subconscious self.
Story guide
– The Digimon I thought up, Guilmon, is born! (ep 1-12)
—— Maildramon
—— MetalTyrannomon
—— Lynxmon
—— Goblimon
—— Allomon
—— IceDevimon
—— Fuugamon
—— Flybeemon
—— Harpymon
– The Devas attack! Stand up, Tamers! (ep 13-24)
—— DarkLizamon
—— Mihiramon
—— Sinduramon
—— Santiramon
—— Cho-sensei
—— Pajiramon
—— Vajiramon
—— Indaramon
—— Kunbiramon
—— Makuramon
—— Vikaralamon
– Find Culumon! Enter the Digital World! (ep 25-33)
—— Jagamon
—— Jijimon
—— Babamon
—— Choromon
—— Tsuchidarumon
—— Clockmon
—— Nohemon
—— Dogmon
—— Majiramon
—— Catsuramon
—— Orochimon
—— Mokumon
=Baby/ — / Smoke type=
The Digimon inside the library in Water Space. It transformed itself into SHIBUMI and passed out Blue cards in the real world.
—— Ark
– All hearts as one! The miraculous Ultimate evolutions (ep 34-41)
—— Megidramon
—— Zhuqiaomon
—— Xuanwumon
—— Baihumon
—— New Ark
— The Ultimate Level Digimon
—— Hououmon
—— GrandKuwagamon
—— Boltmon
—— Griffomon
—— Pukumon
—— Plesiomon
– Protect the world! Fight with the D-Reaper (ep 42-51)
—— Alice McCoy
—— Dobermon
— Agent D-Reaper
—— ADR-01 Juri
—— ADR-02 Searcher
—— ADR-03 Pendulum Feet
—— ADR-04 Bubbles
—— ADR-05 Creep Hands
—— Fake Juri
—— ADR-06 Horn Striker
—— ADR-07 Paratis Head
—— ADR-08 Optimizer
—— ADR-09 Gatekeeper
—— Reaper
—— Mother D-Reaper
Digimon Movie 05 – “Digimon Tamers boukenshatachi no tatakai”
– Urazoe Kai
– Uehara Minami
– Mei
– Uehara Takehito
– Labramon
– Seisamon
– Urazoe Wataru
– The Digimon under Mephismon’s control
—— Pteramon
—— Mantaraymon
—— Arcelomon
—— Tilomon
—— Depthmon
—— Pipismon
—— Ponchomon
—— Baromon
—— Sepikmon
– Tamashiro Ryuuji
– Mephismon
– Galfmon
Digimon Movie 06 – “Digimon Tamers bousou digimon tokkyuu”
– Parasimon
– Locomon
– GrandLocomon
Column – “The Tamers’ Digital World”
■ Digimon Frontier
– Children
– Digimon
– Evolution
– Stage
Main characters
– Kanbara Takuya
=The hot blooded boy with flaming courage=
A fifth grader who lives in Jiyuugaoka. By receiving a message on a cell phone titled “A game that will decide your future,” he enters into a journey to the Digital World. After obtaining the spirit of Agnimon, one of the 10 Legendary Warriors, at the Flame Terminal, he becomes the first among the children to evolve into a Digimon. At home, he is always having to look after his younger brother, and he is the older brother type who always thinks about his friends before himself. His sense of justice is strong, and when he hears a voice calling for help, whether it is his friends or Digimon, he cannot ignore it. Because of that, he naturally ends up taking up the leadership position in the group.
— Warrior of Fire, Agnimon
The form that Takuya evolves into using the power of the Human Spirit of Flame. With such attacks as Salamander Break (enveloping his entire body in flames before spinning furiously and kicking out), Fire Darts (unleashing fire arrows), and Burning Salamander (punching out with fists as both arms spit out fire), he is able to use a diverse number of techniques that combine the power of fire with Oriental martial arts.
Human Spirit of Flame = Found at the Flame Terminal, where Takuya and the others first arrive in the Digital World. The spirit is protected by blue flames that reject everyone except the chosen one.
— Warrior of Fire, Vritramon
Beast Spirit of Flame
— Flamon
— Ardhamon
— KaiserGreymon
— Susanoomon
— Zero Arms Orochi
– Minamoto Kouji
=The lone wolf who gives off a cool light=
A boy who rode on the same train as Takuya, heading for Shibuya. 5th grader. He does not say much and has a cool personality, never bothering himself with strangers. He had been unable to open himself up to his stepmother for a long time, but recently began thinking about changing his attitude towards her on the anniversary of her and his father’s wedding day. It was during this time that he receives a message about “A game that will decide his future,” along with another message that is sent only to him claiming that by going to the Digital World, he will discover the secrets that have been imposed upon him. Perhaps because he has been raised as an only child, he shows himself at a loss on how to handle younger children such as Tomoki, but he learns to naturally care for others by following Takuya’s example. His ability to make calm and rational decisions is the best among the children, and even though he is sometimes at odds with Takuya, he protects his friends from danger. When he at last meets his older twin brother, Kouichi, after having been separated at birth, he learns the true meaning behind his journey.
— Warrior of Light, Wolfmon
Human Spirit of Light
— Warrior of Light, Garmmon
Beast Spirit of Light
— Beowulfmon
— MagnaGarurumon
– Orimoto Izumi
=The gentle and refreshing wind that comes from Italy=
— Warrior of Wind, Fairymon
Human Spirit of Wind
— Warrior of Wind, Shutumon
Beast Spirit of Wind
– Shibayama Junpei
=Always taken by Izumi’s charm?!=
— Warrior of Thunder, Blitzmon
Human Spirit of Thunder
— Warrior of Thunder, Bolgmon
Beast Spirit of Thunder
– Himi Tomoki
=A small hero with a transparent heart=
— Warrior of Ice, Chakmon
Human Spirit of Ice
— Warrior of Ice, Blizzarmon
Beast Spirit of Ice
– Kimura Kouichi
=The rightful darkness that supports the light=
The true identity of the warrior of darkness, Duskmon, who appeared before Takuya and the others as a servant of Cherubimon. He is Kouji’s older twin brother, but their parents divorced when they were at a young age and the two were separated. After finding out from his grandmother at her sickbed that he had a brother, he grows interested in meeting Kouji, whom he had not seen before. However, when he does, he gradually starts harboring feelings of resentment, for Kouji appeared to live a life that lacked nothing while Kouichi and his mother were badly off. These dark feelings are what Cherubimon manipulates to use him. Once he regains his memories and emotions as Kouichi, the guilt he feels from his actions prevent him from opening up to Kouji, but when he faces the darkness that is within his own heart, he gains the true Spirits of darkness. As a newly born Warrior of Darkness, he chooses to fight alongside Kouji.
— Warrior of Darkness, Lowemon
Human Spirit of Darkness
— Warrior of Darkness, KaiserLeomon
Beast Spirit of Darkness
– D-Scanner
— D-Scanner’s functions
— New D-Scanner
– Families
— Takuya’s family
—— Kanbara Hiroaki
—— Kanbara Yuriko
—— Kanbara Shinya
— Kouji/Kouichi’s family
—— Father (unnamed)
—— Kouji’s stepmother (unnamed)
—— Kouji’s dog
—— Mother (unnamed)
—— Grandmother (unnamed)
— Tomoki’s family
—— Father (unnamed)
—— Mother (unnamed)
—— Older brother (unnamed)
– Bokomon
=The Digital World’s guide=
— Guidebook
– Neemon
=His laid-back attitude is world-class=
– The 3 Arch Angel Digimon
— Seraphimon
—— Patamon
— Ophanimon
— Cherubimon
– Trailmon
—— Worm
—— Kettle
—— Mole
—— Buffalo
—— Raccoon Dog
—— Angler
—— Franken
—— Trailmon of Darkness
– Evil 5 Warriors
— Warrior of Earth, Grottomon
Human Spirit of Earth
— Warrior of Earth, Gigasmon
Beast Spirit of Earth
— Warrior of Wood, Arbormon
Human Spirit of Wood
— Warrior of Wood, Petaldramon
Beast Spirit of Wood
— Warrior of Water, Ranamon
Human Spirit of Water
— Warrior of Water, Calamarimon
Beast Spirit of Water
— Warrior of Steel, Mercuremon
Human Spirit of Steel
— Warrior of Steel, Sefirotmon
Beast Spirit of Steel
— Warrior of Darkness, Duskmon
Human Spirit of Darkness
— Warrior of Darkness, Velgmon
Beast Spirit of Darkness
– Royal Knights
— Warrior of Aloofness, RhodeKnightmon
— Warrior of Passion, Dynasmon
Story guide
– Game start! Journey to the Digital World (ep 1-12)
—— Cerberumon
—— Candmon
—— Kongoumon
—— KaratsukiNumemon
—— Pandamon
—— ToyAgumon
—— Gotsumon
– Strong enemy: The five evil warriors! Fight them with Beast Spirits! (ep 13-23)
—— Sorcerymon
—— Toucanmon
—— EbiBurgermon
—— Pidmon
—— PetitMeramon
—— Burgermon
—— TorikaraBallmon
—— Chamelemon
– Rose Venus – Showdown with Cherubimon! (ep 24-37)
—— Volcamon
—— Karatenmon
—— Ashuramon
—— Honeybeemon
—— Panjamon
—— BlackSeraphimon
—— Cherubimon (white)
– Royal Knights appear! The Digital World’s greatest crisis (ep 38-46)
—— Superstarmon
—— Sub characters
—— Sagitarrimon
—— Swanmon
—— Zanbamon
—— Lucemon
– The powers of all ten warriors united! Showdown with Lucemon (ep 47-50)
—— Lucemon Falldown Mode
—— Lucemon Satan Mode
—— Lucemon Larva
Digimon Movie 07 – “Digimon Frontier kodai digimon fukkatsu!!”
— Human Digimon
—— Kotemon
—— DinoHumon
—— Pucchimon
—— FlarWizarmon
—— Yashamon
—— D’arcmon
— Beast Digimon
—— Bearmon
—— Grizzlimon
—— HippoGryphmon
—— Bitmon
—— Bulumon
—— Moosemon
—— Paomon
—— Prairiemon
—— Goatmon
—— Boarmon
—— Murmuxmon
—— Ornismon
—— Diginorimon
Column – “Digital Monster X-Evolution”
■ Digimon Savers
– Children
– Digimon
– Evolution
– Stage
Main characters
– Daimon Masaru
=The best fighter in Japan, who is beyond both calculation and common sense=
8th grader in a private school, Ohtori Academy. 14 years old. Just like his nickname “the best fighter in Japan” states, he spent each day from dawn until dusk fighting with his fists until one day he just happens to meet Agumon, who had escaped from DATS. After an all-out fist fight, the two of them make a pledge to be each other’s spiritual brother. This soon leads to him joining DATS. It was obvious at first that he preferred doing things his own way and he was vehemently against Tohma’s way, but before long they began to understand one another. In contrast to his wild personality, his consideration for family and friends is deeper than the average person, and he even takes good care of those who had only recently become his friend. Also, he does not hesitate to put his own self in danger in order to help them. His actions, which are unpredictable and lack common sense, often cause teamwork to fall apart, but there were also many times when his actions broke through a wall for them to keep moving forward. During the fight between the Digital World and the human world, he had developed greatly as a human being. After all of the battles were over, he heads to the Digital World to help rebuild it. His birthday is April 2nd. Blood type B.
— ID Plate
— DATS uniform
— School uniform
— Personal wear
— Pajamas
— DigiEgg
— As a child
Masaru 10 years ago, around the time when his sister Chika was just born. Before his father Suguru heads to the Digital World, Masaru catches the speedball that Suguru throws with all of his strength. From this, his father acknowledges him as a man and trusts him to watch the family until his father returns.
— Digivice
— Digivice Burst
– Agumon
=An irreplaceable partner who grows alongside Masaru=
– GeoGreymon
– RiseGreymon
– ShineGreymon
– ShineGreymon: Burst Mode
– Tohma H Norstein
=Elite fighter with emphasis on theory and data=
An elite team member who returned home to Japan after being dispatched from DATS EU headquarters. A genius who graduated head of his class at the age of 13 from Stockholm Royal Medical School, and with his brilliant mind developed the Digimon transmission device used by headquarters. Not only is he intelligent, but he is also excellent at sports, particularly in boxing where not even an Olympic champion could beat him. He is even able to K.O. Masaru easily. Although he has the blood of the noble Norstein family from Austria, his mother is Japanese and not of nobility, so he was not accepted as a rightful successor and grew up in Japan with his mother. After his mother’s death, the Norstein family takes him in, but he detests his father Franz for leaving them. Because he and Masaru are polar opposites in every way, they fought over every possible thing, but through many battles, they accepted each other and became good partners. After their battle is over, he wins the Nobel Prize for medicine five years later at age 19.
— Family crest
— DATS uniform
— Mobile PC
— Digimon Organizer
— Tuxedo
— Training wear
— Personal wear
— Surgical gown
— As a child
Although born into a noble family, his father was forbidden from marrying his mother and so Tohma was unable to return to the Norstein family and lived instead with his mother in Japan. Living with his mother was a tranquil life for the young Tohma, but it did not last long.
— Private jet
— Limousine
— Helicopter
– Gaomon
=Partner that swears loyalty to Tohma and has tremendous faith in him=
– Gaogamon
– MachGaogamon
– MirageGaogamon
– MirageGaogamon: Burst Mode
– Fujieda Yoshino
=The kind and strong red flower of DATS=
The only woman among DATS active-working members. At age 18, she is the oldest among the three and perhaps because of that, she appears to be the closest to common sense compared to the other two. She does her work seriously, but as she is often turned this way and that by Masaru and Tohma’s actions, she almost always finds herself confronting an unexpected situation. Whispering “This is the worst” has become her favorite phrase. Although she has a hard-working personality, Lalamon exposes a messy side to her personal life, saying that “she doesn’t clean her room,” “she doesn’t fold her laundry,” and “she has bad sleeping form.” When she was a child, she formed a complex by comparing herself to her talented older sisters, and she lost her self-confidence. It was her first meeting with Lalamon that she was able to begin recovering from her dejection. It was also Lalamon’s presence that was able to help her get back on her feet when she grew faint-hearted when facing a battle in the Digital World. Her favorite foods are Musashiya’s strawberry mille-feuille and Yokonari’s coffee jelly. After the battle was over, she becomes a policewoman and works as Satsuma’s subordinate.
— DATS uniform
— Bracelet
— Personal wear
— Street clothes
— Reporter clothes
— Apron
— As a child
Yoshino at 5-years-old. She had a shy personality and a complex against her two talented older sisters. That pressure is what caused her to mess up at a piano recital, leaving a large trauma in her young heart.
– Lalamon
=An irreplaceable best friend who is always at Yoshino’s side=
– Budmon
– Sunflowmon
– Lilamon
– Rosemon
– Rosemon: Burst Mode
– Ikuto
=A young boy raised as a Digimon, and holds a strong hatred for humans=
A young boy who Masaru and the others first meet in the Digital World. He has immense hatred for humans and fights against Masaru and co. many times. Although he identifies himself as a Digimon, he is actually a human whose name is Noguchi Ikuto. Born as the only son of the Noguchi couple, who are researchers of super-spacetime, he was sucked into a Digital Gate that suddenly opened within the research room of their home when he was a baby, leaving his whereabouts unknown. Lost in the Digital World, he was found and raised by Yukidarumon, but when Yukidarumon is killed by humans, he grows to hate them viciously. Following in allegiance with Mercurimon, who also felt hostility to humans, Ikuto fights using the boomerang as his weapon. That Mercurimon gives him his Digivice made by Daimon Suguru. After learning of his origins and returning to the human world, he is still unable to accept his circumstances, but after meeting his real parents his heart gradually shifts and he becomes a reliable comrade who fights the real enemy alongside Masaru and co. Five years later, after the battle is over, he goes to the same middle school as Chika.
– Personal wear
– As a child
Ikuto as a baby, and Ikuto at 3-years-old when his foster parent died. These events greatly change his destiny.
– Falcomon
=Partner who is raised and fights with Ikuto=
– Peckmon
– Yatagaramon
– Ravemon
– Ravemon: Burst Mode
– Satsuma Rentarou
=The calm and composed commander who watches over Masaru and co’s battles=
— Coat
— As a detective
— Investigative wear
– Kudamon
=A Digimon who believes in the human potential and sides with them=
– Reppamon
– Tyilinmon
– Sleipmon
– Kurosaki Miki
=A cool operator with a sharp head on her shoulders=
— Headseat
— New costume
– Shirakawa Megumi
=Supports the team with her precise information=
— Headset
— New costume
– Pawnchessmon
=The hidden forces that protect DATS from behind=
– Knightchessmon
– Rookchessmon
– Bishopchessmon
– Yushima Hiroshi
=The leading man against Digimon crimes=
— Fishing clothes
— Fortuneteller
— Winter clothes
— Aloha clothes
— Doctor’s coat
— As a detective
— Investigative wear
– Kamemon
=The healing member of DATS=
– Gwappamon
– Shaujinmon
– Daimon Sayuri
=Her fried eggs are the best thing on earth!=
— Sayuri 10 years ago
– Daimon Chika
=Brother and sister are actually pretty alike?!=
— Chika 10 years ago
– Puwamon
– Piyomon
– Aquilamon
– Garudamon
– Daimon Suguru
=A great father who loved the Digital World=
— Suguru as an investigator
– BantyoLeomon
=A guide who carries in him a burning Digisoul=
– Tohma’s family
— Tohma’s mother
A Japanese woman who gets to know Franz while he is studying abroad in Japan and marries him. This marriage is not accepted by her husband’s family, and so she lives with Tohma in Japan. While heading to a summer festival with young Tohma, she dies from a car accident.
— Franz Norstein
Tohma’s father. He takes in Tohma after his wife’s death, but his responsibilities of carrying on the family name as well as his guilty conscience for being unable to protect his wife make him act reservedly towards Tohma.
— Relena Norstein
— Tohma’s grandmother
— Butler
– Yoshino’s family
— Yoshino’s mother
— Yoshino’s sisters
– Ikuto’s family
— Noguchi Kenji
— Noguchi Misuzu
— Noguchi Ruka
— Yukidarumon
– Kurata Akihiro
=A coward’s heart that brings forth a disaster=
— Time-space oscillation bomb
— Kurata 10 years ago
– Tsubasa Kouki
=An arrogant fighter who starves for power=
– Kouki and co’s Digivice
– BioThunderbirmon
– BioDarkdramon
– Nanami
=A genius girl who makes eerie advances=
– Ivan
=An innocent man who sells both body and heart for money=
A large man who, along with Kouki and Nanami, attacks Masaru’s group as they are heading to the Digital World. He has a habit of unintentionally saying whatever he is thinking, and because of this he reveals himself the secret feelings he has for Yoshino upon falling in love with her at first sight. The reason why he volunteered to become a Bio Digimon was because Kurata was paying him, and the mass killing of Digimon is nothing but business to him. Yoshino detested that coldheartedness and defeats him together with Rosemon, but learns from the picture that the fallen Ivan was holding that he was earning the money to support his family.
– BioStegomon
– BioSpinomon
– Gizmon
=Anti-Digimon weapons that bring death=
– Gizmon: AT
– Gizmon: XT
– Dark Digivice
– Belphemon
=Sleeping Demon Lord who is master of sloth=
– Belphemon Sleep Mode
– Belphemon Rage Mode
– Mercurimon
=A great king with ideals in his heart=
– Saberleomon
=A proud lion who burns with fury=
– Royal Knights
– Craniummon
– AlforceV-dramon
– Duftmon
– RhodeKnightmon
– Omegamon
– Dukemon
– Dynasmon
– Magnamon
Story guide
Digimon Movie 08 – “Digimon Savers kyuukyoku pawaa! burst mode hatsudou!!”
■ Special contents
WE LOVE DIGIMON MUSIC!! Digimon Music Museum!!
DVD chronicle
Special interview
– Seki Hiromi (Producer) x Kakudou Hiroyuki (Series director) x Yukio Kaizawa (Series director)
The beginning
— First, please tell us how the anime process got started.
Seki: It was originally a project that Bandai-san threw at Toei Animation. They wanted to turn the the “Digital Monster” mobile game for boys that had been shaped from the tamagotchi into an animation. In order to set that up, blah, blah, is how things first started. However, at that point we did have the “evolution” component but no other characters beyond the monsters that are found in the mobile game. They didn’t speak words and there was no story either.
— How did things flesh out from there?
— How did Kakudou-san end up getting involved?
— Was it decided for the TV series and movie to be set up at the same time?
— Were the basic contents decided at that point?
The Chosen Children
— How did 7 characters end up being the regulars?
— By the way, it’s also been said that you like writing up details about the families.
— The family situations surrounding the children makes one feel good to look at.
Enjoying location hunting
— It’s in the Tokyo arc that families are seen being involved.
— Having the setting take place in a specific area “Odaiba” is also unique.
— Was it to act as a contrast to the Digital World?
— The newly constructed office building of Fuji TV was destroyed.
— Was there anything during location hunting that left an impression on you?
— Did you frequently go location hunting?
The second series 3 years later
— The series began with the idea that it would run for a year, did it?
— When was the second season decided?
— Is that also why the Digimon Kaiser was introduced as a new element?
— A glimpse of that is seen in the CD dramas and novels.
— It certainly does feel connected from the movies.
— The relationship between the real world and the Digital World changes between the first and second series.
— The flow of time between broadcast was synchronized with the real seasons, so it was unique in that it felt like it was really taking place.
— Was the two series as a memoir of Takeru determined from the beginning?
From “partners” to “friends”
— The third series isn’t a continuation, but an entirely new series.
— “Tamers” became a series that conspicuously depict realism.
— Terriermon had a particular atmosphere about him.
— The series compositor, Konaka (Chiaki)-san wrote an episode in “02”.
— The idea of Digimon and children fusing together was innovative.
The visual of the Digital World
— The format of the Digital World itself was reformed.
— Did Kakudou-san make all of them without pay?
— Did you do the armor evolutions as well?
The fourth series is “to choose”.
— How was the course of action for the fourth series decided?
— The idea of not having Digimon partners was also innovative.
— The fact that one “must make their own decision” was emphasized in the very first episode.
— Was it decided in the beginning that they would not appear until the end?
— Kakudou-san has acted as episode director in series 3 and 4.
— Regardless that the anime series was an original story, “X-Evolution” is a “Digital Monster” movie in the truest sense.
What Digimon doesn’t lack is music.
— When we think of Digimon, the impression of “evolution music” is strong.
— It was a surprise that “brave heart” also played during “02”.
— If you include the single maxis, the total comes out to around 130.
— It got very busy around “02”.
— Holding a live concert at Zepp Tokyo.
— The CD dramas include some information that is quite worth listening to.
— There was even an episode involving 9/11.
Looking back after 10 years
— Now looking back after 10 years, what is “Digimon” to you?
— Last of all is a message to the fans from Seki-san.
Digimon index
02/27/10 – If you didn’t see your favorite character’s name in the table of contents, don’t worry. Everyone is in this book. I really recommend that everyone buys this book only because of the pictures in them. None are colored or new, but you get to see most of the original lineart for all characters/settings. If you ever wondered how that character looked front and back for fanart/cosplay purposes, this book is your encyclopedia. The descriptions that come with them are nothing new as far as I’ve read so far, though… they only describe the character as you had already seen them in the anime. Eh, since this blog isn’t to review the item though, I’ll stop there.
And no (since this seems to be a hot topic), sorry, there is no confirmation on Takeru/Hikari coupling for Zero Two — the official couples are Sora/Yamato and Miyako/Ken. That’s it! The “Column” pages for this book are only one page and give the minimum of information.
Because it is both a 380-ish page book and I have exams coming up this week, I’ll be updating this page pretty slowly during the first week of March. I think I’ll start with the interview first.
03/08/10 – Requests and the interview being worked on in my free intervals as of now. I will reply back to your comment when I am finished with your request.
List for my sake:
Parents of chosen children
Real Tokyo localizations in Adventure/02/Tamers
Tamers sub characters
Columns (Tamers)
Other ages
Yoshino and Digimon
Digimon partners, all seasons
Alice McCoy
All Hybrid Digimon
Masaru, Agumon (Savers) + evolutions, Lalamon evolutions
Parents — Takeru’s mother and father (subordinates), Jyou’s family, Tamers parents
Miki, Megumi, Yushima, Nanami and Sayuri. Related digimon and biohybrids (including Ivan)
Tailmon and her forms.
Guilmon + evos
Frontier synopsis
The 3 Arch Angel Digimon
Evil 5 Warriors
Royal Knights (Frontier)
Frontier story guide
Digimon Movie 07 – “Digimon Frontier kodai digimon fukkatsu!!”
Frontier database
Royal Knights (Savers)
Worldwide Chosen children
Ai, Kai and Minami (Tamers)
Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki and Teruo (Frontier)
03/11/10 – Requests will be closing on March 20th. After that, I will be updating the page based solely on what I personally like. What I like might not necessarily be what you like, so if there is a part of the book that has your interest, please comment soon.
03/20/10 – Requests are closed. Comments made after #34 by Rene_recluse cannot be accepted. I may re-open requests some time in the future, but for now this list will be keeping me busy for awhile.
Oooh, I’m exceedingly excited for more on this! The art has changed so much… the cover page. I hope there is more information on the parents of the chosen children. Or about any adventures after the series was over…
Ohh, this is great! I have ordered the book, too. I am sure you’ll choose the best things to translate, but I thinks that the interviews will be the most interesting parts. And personally, I would like to find some information about the real Tokyo localizations in Adventure/02/Tamers.
Anyway, I’m sure you’ll do a great job. Ganbatte!
Keep translating this please!
Could you please translate the information on Ryo? He’s the most enigmatic character in the series, and I feel like he’s ever fully described enough. Thank you!
I’ve written up the description for Ryo in both his profiles. If there happens to be more (which I doubt, but just letting you be aware) I’ll let you know.
I would love the Tamers Sub Characters
As well, as I hope for a translation of the columns (is there anything in the Tamer Digital World think we don’t know from Konakas Resources?)
Some Frontier translations would be great (especially Takuya/Agnimon & Izumi/Fairymon) and like Kaén-chan said, translation of the columns were interesting.
I would be interested with seeing translated info about Mimi & Palmon.
And this is amazing, I think I might have to buy a copy.. just to have all that wonderful art.
There’s the immediate profiles of Mimi and Palmon up there. The art is indeed wonderful, as you shall see. :]
Could you scan the pics of the other 4 children from Frontier? I’d really like to see them since pics of them are hard to find online.
Awesome! Thanks!
I would like to see the translated info of Kouichi and Kouji.
You’ve done an amazing job here!
Thank you for your info. It’s a must to buy this book.
Info on the twins is up.
Thank you very much!
Are you doing requests? I’m really excited to read Taichi, Hikari, Takeru, and Yamato’s profiles; they’ve always been my favorites because they have chosen children siblings. I hope you can do these next 8D
The siblings profiles are up. 8D
Thanks so much! I appreciate all of your translations… I know how difficult and time consuming it is to translate literature :/ Thanks a bunch!
– Kimura Kouichi
=The rightful darkness that supports the light=
Oh my word!! Love These Twins >ow<
Thank you for translating about Mimi Ryou Takuya Kou1 and Kou2
The memorial is official,right?
For the 2nd Season:Are there just classes of the DigiDestineds mentioned or also ages like in Mimis case 13?
It’s a bit unlogical cause the 2nd season starts in April where the school year begins and if you go to the 7th grade you are 12 and you become 13 during the school year (April 1-March 31).
That would be really interesting if the other ages are mentioned.
I’m seconding Taichi, Yamato, and Hikari~
Also wondering if there’s anything interesting in the 25-years-later part…
Profiles and the 25-years-later part are up. I’ll leave it for you to decide if they’re interesting or not. ;]
Onkeikun! Thank you so much for sharing this translated info. ;_;
I’m buying my onw copy right know, but I guess I’ll be looking at the pretty images for a while *laughs* xDD
Thank you!! *hugs*
Could you please do Yoshino and her Digimon?
Could you do Yoshino and her Digimon please? And maybe Ivan.
I know you have a lot of request, but I think I should point out that you accidentally deleted part of Izumi’s profile.
Thanks for the reply. I’ll rewrite it once I’m back from work~
Isn’t there anything more about the Tamer Sub-Characters? Not even single sentences?
The Tamer sub-character section is incomplete. I did write that I would directly reply back to your comment when something is finished.
Any word on having Daisuke/Davis’ info up? It’d be nice to find out more about my favorite character.
Daisuke’s info for the series is up! I believe there’s a bit more in the movies section, too, so when I get up to that part, I will comment to you again!
Thanks a whole lot, I really appreciate it! If it’s not too much trouble, do you think you can translate Veemon’s info as well? Thanks again!
Tall request, but the profiles of the Digimon partners.
Hope that isn’t too much.
That is very tall, yes. Just to clarify, do you mean partners from all seasons and including their evolutions?
Just their default forms, which I think contain some information about their personality. From all the seasons too.
I just finished read about Miyako’s sisters and Jun
Gosh they are really hilarious!!!
by the way, I want to ask some question..
Does the book have an information about Alice McCoy?
She is quite interest..
Okay, I’ve read that you accept requests only until march 20, so I’ve still some requests. These texts can be at the end of your request list, as long as they will be translated sometime.
First, the names of other evolutions like Vritramon, Magnagarurumon etc. are at the list, so they’d have text too, right? If so, my request is that all Hybrid Digimon (especially Takuya’s & Izumi’s evolutions XD) and Masaru, Agumon (Savers) + evolutions and Lalamons evolutions (If they’re not all in MugenSeiRyuu’s request)
And thank you for all the translations you’ve done far.
Thanks for doing this! I’d like to request Sora’s profile and that of her parents
Also, if you don’t mind me asking, do you have any plans for translating the rest of the Adventure novels? I know it’s an enormous task and is selfish of me to have expectations, but I’d love to read them one day. And your translations are great!
Sora’s profile and parent information up!
Thank you! I do intend to finish the novels or fall over trying, yes. It’s just a lot to read, type, and then re-read to edit, so I often get very sick of it shortly and have to put it aside for awhile before coming back to it. I seriously am looking forward to the day I finish as much as you do.
Thanks for all your hard work ;D
I’d really like to read everything about the kids’ parents, like Takeru’s mother and father (his subordinates too) and Jyou’s family and the Tamers’ parents. Please and thanks!
And I wanna add a request for a translation of Shuichons Profile ^^
Oh wow, thanks so much for the translations. I personally would love to see the location-hunting/Odaiba stuff translated as I’ve done a lot of Odaiba research myself. (Have a look at my website if you’re interested in it!) Hope you eventually get around to these sections!
Just noticed that requests end soon.
I would like to ask for
Miki, Megumi, Yushima, Nanami and Sayuri.
Also any Info on thier Digimon. Including BioHybrids. ( In case their is info on the BioHybrids, including Ivan’s. )
And Tailmon and her forms.
And the Info about X-Evolution and why it is listed under Frontier…
Hope that is not too much.
First: I’d really like to read something about Touma and Ikuto from Savers and about Bokomon from Frontiers^^
Seconds: Thanks for doing it!
Thank you for doing this!
I really would like to read, what they write about the three main characters of Tamers. Could you please do Takato, Jianliang and Ruki, too?
Thank you in advance!
Please translate these texts:
– Guilmon + evos
– Synopsis
– The 3 Arch Angel Digimon
– Trailmon
– Evil 5 Warriors
– Royal Knights
– Story guide
– Digimon Movie 07 – “Digimon Frontier kodai digimon fukkatsu!!”
– Database
– Royal Knights
Thank you very much ^^
I’d love to see the X-evolution Column Translated (shouldn’t be hat much work, if it really is that short), as well as the interview (maybe they reveal some future plans for digimon?)
The interview seems to be really, really interesting. Thanks for the translations!
That’s awesome!
Would you please do the stuff about the world wide digidestined? Those who appeared in Digimon 02. If there is anything about them.
That would be really nice of you! Thanks in advance!!!
Before you closing the request, I would like know more about these characters
Ai, Kai and Minami; from Digimon Tamers
and Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki and Teruo; from Digimon frontier
Thank you for your all wonderful translation ^o^ You’re such my angel!!
Hello! It’d be nice if from time to time you translated some more of the interview questions, that would be awesome! Thanks in advance!
Hi there!
I’m really happy about this translations. I hope that you’ll translate the whole book. Of course not everything on one evening or something like that. Take all the time you need to do it.
This is a long shot, but is there anything on Dagomon in the book?
lots of digimon stuff yay
love the cover
and i thank you for the translation ^^
Thank you so much for your work. I really love your translations, are you still working on this book? I would love to see the full profiles of Koushiro and Jyou from the first series, they are my favourite characters and I was a bit sad to see that there is only parts about their families (is there more like for the other chosen children?). I would really appreciate it if you could add them, and I’m sure other people would too *u*
This is very informative! I’ve been translating the Digimon Dictionary profiles (and all of the DVR Profiles), but now and then I wonder what other (mostly anime-based) information is left to be revealed to Western audiences. This post is just an example of some fascinating titbits.
I’ve started a project in the Digimon Livejournal wherein people can submit translations from various guidebooks and put them up for people to see! One of the repliers sent me here, and I’m glad he did! I hope to one day buy the Digimon Encyclopedias so I can take a crack at the specific anatomies of the Digimon within the anime and translate them.
Thanks once again!
Holy crap, this is amazing…! We love you!
I found it amazing how you ave done all teh translation *-*. Just awesome of you to do that!!. I wished always to understand japanese myself but thanks to that, I can at least keep up with the most of it
Well again thank you^^
love it and thanks
Hopefully more will be updated 
Though I had a question (kind of offtopic sorry xD) , that they didn’t mention either that it is not canon the takari couple so since hearing the songs and hints and the poster…is it possible to assume them? OR didn theyn officially say no toit? i heard that everyone is saying that in an interview they wanted to make takari kenyako sorato koumi ^^’.soory was curiouus
I haven’t read evidence yet that either supports or denies Takari and the other couples you mention, so it’s up in the air. If you’re able to find a source for the interview, that would be great.
Somehow people who mentioned the takari thingie didn’t answer me so I am waiting for them :). I don’t care about couple anywayxD. Thanks though I had again a big question to ask, sorry to bother
Is it also mentioned that miyako’s crest was supposed to be honesty and knowledge? Someone had told and it makes sense but before the wait to reply I also thought to find out myself as well, and if it is ..if you have only time of course could you translate that? Of course I understand you hae a live also but just askin.. xxD It will be very heloful to know if that has been mentioned that miyako was supposed to have crests of cody abut then they switched?
Hey : )
Sorry, is there anything About ken? thanks : )
Hey Onkeikun =)
Any chance to translate page 94 “Digimon Monster’s History”, please?